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New feature compares PolitiFact report cards

Our new report card feature allows you to compare the Truth-O-Meter tallies for people and groups. Our new report card feature allows you to compare the Truth-O-Meter tallies for people and groups.

Our new report card feature allows you to compare the Truth-O-Meter tallies for people and groups.

Bill Adair
By Bill Adair March 28, 2012

It's spring, which means it's report card time. So we're unveiling a new feature that allows you to compare the PolitiFact report cards for individuals and groups we check.

Our report cards have always been a popular feature and often generate interesting commentary. Now, you'll be able to compare the report cards more easily.

Our new comparison pages display the Truth-O-Meter tally for selected people or groups. To get more details, you can click on any single ruling and see all of that candidate's Trues, Falses, etc.

To launch the feature, we've created pages for the presidential candidates and the Republican and Democratic parties. In the next few weeks, we'll publish additional comparisons with Super PACs and other groups, congressional leaders and others whose records are newsworthy. Our state PolitiFact sites will be able to publish their own pages so you can compare candidates for office or state leaders.

We hope to add more details to the report cards such as percentages to make it easier to do comparisons.

As always, we'd love to hear your suggestions about our features. Send them to [email protected]

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New feature compares PolitiFact report cards