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Roger Stone
stated on October 26, 2016 in an interview on Alex Jones' radio show:
Says Hillary Clinton "shows up in Broward County" and had a private meeting with elections supervisor Brenda Snipes.
true pants-fire
Roger Stone, a veteran political operative, was photographed in his Fort Lauderdale office in 2014. (Miami Herald/Carl Juste) Roger Stone, a veteran political operative, was photographed in his Fort Lauderdale office in 2014. (Miami Herald/Carl Juste)

Roger Stone, a veteran political operative, was photographed in his Fort Lauderdale office in 2014. (Miami Herald/Carl Juste)

Amy Sherman
By Amy Sherman October 31, 2016

No, Hillary Clinton did not meet with Broward elections supervisor Brenda Snipes

As early voters in Florida started casting votes, conservative websites buzzed about new evidence of crooked campaign tactics by Hillary Clinton to secure the crucial battleground state.

The alleged scheme centered on left-leaning Broward County, already in the news for distributing some mail-in ballots without Amendment 2, a proposal to legalize medical marijuana.

The claims originated from Roger Stone, a Donald Trump supporter and former campaign operative who talked of a "secret" meeting in an interview to conspiracy theorist and radio show host Alex Jones on Oct. 26.

"Yesterday Hillary Clinton shows up in Broward County — slips into a private meeting with the woman who runs the board of elections," said Stone, who lives in Fort Lauderdale.

It’s common for election supervisors to meet with party officials if they have questions about election procedures. But a meeting directly with a presidential candidate would be unusual. Broward has about 600,000 Democratic voters — the highest number in Florida — so it is a key county for Clinton.

Jones has millions of followers. The claim about Clinton secretly meeting with Brenda Snipes took off on social media, and some suggested that it was part of a voter fraud scheme.

We found no evidence that such a meeting took place — because it didn’t.

Within days, Stone retracted his claim. (A retraction doesn’t allow a political figure to avoid the Truth-O-Meter, but we will explain what he initially said and then his latest explanation.)

No meeting

When we first heard the claim about a Snipes-Clinton meeting we were skeptical. Although Snipes is a Democrat, the former school administrator is not known for partisan or political involvement. In fact, a long list of politicians endorsed her opponent in the primary, although Snipes then won in a landslide. Snipes was first appointed to the position in 2003 by Republican Gov. Jeb Bush.

In an Oct. 27 interview, Snipes told us she hadn’t met with Clinton.

"She has not requested a meeting from me," Snipes said. "I haven’t met with anybody and neither has my staff.  I don’t even know who the members of her staff are. Neither I nor my staff met with Hillary Clinton."

Snipes told the Sun Sentinel that it was a "big fat lie" that she met with Clinton. A spokeswoman for the Clinton campaign in Florida also denied that such a meeting took place.

Stone said he would post photos of the Clinton-Snipes meeting on Jones’ website Infowars "shortly" but never did.

When we spoke to Stone on Oct. 28, he explained how he heard the allegation -- third-hand. He lacked even the most basic details, such as where this alleged meeting took place.

He said information came from a coordinator for Citizens for Trump, a grassroots group. Stone said that the coordinator told him he spoke with two women from Citizens for Trump. The women said that they saw Clinton enter a meeting with Snipes.

"They claim they were inadvertently in a secured area of a presidential candidate visit," when they spotted Clinton enter a meeting with Snipes. "Both admit they ran, they left the place in a hurry because they were shooed off by security."

The women tried to take photos and video while they were dashing away, Stone said. The photos didn’t show anything, and Stone said he is waiting for video.

"If Snipes denies it and there is no evidence to the contrary, I can say this is an incorrect report, but I’m not ready to conclude that yet," Stone said.

After giving Stone a few more days to track down information, we circled back with him Oct. 31. That’s when he retracted his story -- or rather moved his story to a different county.

Stone told PolitiFact Florida that he went back on Jones’ show Oct. 30 to say he was wrong about Snipes meeting with Clinton in Broward.

"I was incorrect about that," he said on the radio show. "In fact, I was off by a county. The Clinton entourage pulled up behind the West Palm Beach office of the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections. Hillary Clinton was physically seen by at least three witnesses meeting with officials from the building. These observers were shooed away. ... Palm Beach is of course ground zero of the Democrats’ vote stealing operation."

(We sought contact information from Stone for these alleged witnesses but Stone said they were too scared to talk.)

Again, the Clinton campaign said no meeting took place -- and Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher also said she didn’t meet with Clinton.

It is true that Clinton was in Broward and Palm Beach counties the week that Stone made these claims. She gave speeches at Broward College on Oct. 25 and Palm Beach State College on Oct. 26.

During his interview with Jones, Stone tried to portray Snipes as incompetent and pointed to ballots missing the medical marijuana amendment. Stone said that Snipes announced that the amendment "isn’t going to be on the ballot in Broward County because of some kind of a screw up."

That’s an exaggeration. The amendment is on the ballot in Broward, but four absentee ballots so far have turned up missing the amendment.

A group supporting marijuana legalization sued Snipes over the ballots omitting Amendment 2. On Oct. 28, a Broward judge ruled in Snipes favor and concluded that she had taken appropriate steps to remedy the errors including providing replacement ballots.

Our ruling

Stone said Clinton showed up in Broward County and slipped into a private meeting with elections supervisor Brenda Snipes.

Stone was wrong. He heard it third-hand from Trump supporters who claim they stumbled across such a meeting. Snipes and a spokeswoman for the Clinton campaign in Florida denied such a meeting took place and we found no evidence that it did.

Days later, Stone admitted he was wrong but then claimed that Clinton met with elections officials in Palm Beach County. He lacks evidence for that claim, too -- and both the elections supervisor and the Clinton campaign deny it.

We rate this claim Pants on Fire!

Our Sources

YouTube, Roger Stone interview with Alex Jones, Oct. 27, 2016

YouTube, Roger Stone interview with Alex Jones, Oct. 30, 2016

Infowars, Website, Accessed Oct. 28, 2016

Broward Supervisor of Elections, Website, Accessed Oct. 31, 2016

The Conservative Treehouse, Are There Signs of A Voter Fraud Scheme in Broward County Florida? A Handful of Mistakes and 173,000 Solutions… Oct. 26, 2016

Sun Sentinel, "Reports of Hillary Clinton meeting 'a big fat lie,' Broward elections official says," Oct. 27, 2016

Reddit, Post about Brenda Snipes and Hillary Clinton, Oct. 26, 2016

Twitter, Tweet by ConservtveChicksRock, Oct. 26, 2016

Truthfeed, "Hillary Clinton busted holding a closed door meeting with Florida elections director," Oct. 27, 2016

Conservative Tree House, Are There Signs of A Voter Fraud Scheme in Broward County Florida? A Handful of Mistakes and 173,000 Solutions…  Oct. 26, 2016

Palm Beach Post, "Clinton at PBSC: Urges students to vote, even gives directions where," Oct. 26, 2016

Miami Herald, "Broward judge rules in favor of elections officials in botched ballot case," Oct. 28, 2016

Miami Herald, "Hatchet job: Roger Stone’s edgy takes on history and politics," Oct. 14, 2014

Quantcast, Traffic for Alex Jones’ show, Accessed Oct. 31, 2016

Interview, Broward Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes, Oct. 27, 2016

Interview, Valentina Pereda, Hillary Clinton  campaign spokeswoman, Oct. 28 and 31, 2016

Interview, Roger Stone, consultant for Donald Trump campaign summer of 2015, Oct. 28 and Oct. 31, 2016

Interview, Susan Bucher, Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections, Oct. 31, 2016

Browse the Truth-O-Meter

More by Amy Sherman

No, Hillary Clinton did not meet with Broward elections supervisor Brenda Snipes

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