Latest Fact-checksJane Norton Americans for Job Security stated on July 9, 2010 in an issue advocacy ad: "Jane Norton supported the largest tax hike in Colorado history." Americans for Job Security stated on July 9, 2010 in a television ad: The "state bureaucracy" Jane Norton managed "grew by $43 million in just three years."
Americans for Job Security stated on July 9, 2010 in an issue advocacy ad: "Jane Norton supported the largest tax hike in Colorado history." Americans for Job Security stated on July 9, 2010 in a television ad: The "state bureaucracy" Jane Norton managed "grew by $43 million in just three years."
Americans for Job Security stated on July 9, 2010 in an issue advocacy ad: "Jane Norton supported the largest tax hike in Colorado history."
Americans for Job Security stated on July 9, 2010 in a television ad: The "state bureaucracy" Jane Norton managed "grew by $43 million in just three years."