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Promises about Regulation on Scott-O-Meter

Freeze all regulations

"We're gonna freeze all regulations. Regulation is killing jobs, the paperwork, the delay, the uncertainty, so we're gonna freeze regulation and look at what we can roll back that doesn't hurt consumers."

"I will freeze regulations currently in the pipeline until we have an opportunity to evaluate their impact. And we will begin immediately to review existing regulations to weigh their costs and benefits. Now, I want to be clear: There are some regulations that are essential for health and safety and some that are essential to the protection of our environment. Obviously, no responsible leader would tamper with those core safeguards. But it’s way past time to demand that every regulation be re-evaluated."

Reform PSC for more energy production

"Reform PSC (Public Services Commission) processes to allow reasonable energy production and expansion."

Require all Florida employers to use E-Verify system

"Rick will require all Florida employers to use the free E-Verify system to ensure that their workers are legal."

Enact tougher penalties for violating environmental regulations

"Gov. Scott will propose legislation to increase penalties to ensure fines match the value of Florida’s natural resources, and also provide agencies with the flexibility to analyze the past actions of those seeking environmental permits in Florida."