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By Catharine Richert January 8, 2010

Obama comes through on both parts of this promise

Creating jobs that are also good for the environment was a big part of Barack Obama's campaign platform.
It was also a big part of the stimulus package he signed in early 2009. All told, the bill included $500 million to support job creation in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sector. The administration has been busy doling out this grant money to train displaced workers in the areas of home weatherization, hybrid and electric car maintenance and solar panel installation.
On Jan. 6, 2010, for instance, the Labor Department announced that $100 million will go to 25 projects around the country.
When Obama signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act in April 2009, he also created the Clean Energy Service Corps. The program will train young people to install solar panels, weatherize homes and conduct energy audits, among other things.
The Corporation for National and Community Service runs the new program, and it was given about $1.1 billion in the latest appropriations process. Some portion of that funding is expected to go to the new energy corps, though the corporation hasn't decided exactly how much.
So, Obama promised to fund new efforts to train displaced workers and youth to do green jobs, and he's come through on this pledge. So this one earns a Promise Kept.  

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