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PolitiFact's voter guide to our voter guides

Bill Adair
By Bill Adair November 5, 2012

We've done lots of election guides to help you sort out the truth in the 2012 campaign -- so many that we thought it would be helpful to have a short guide to our guides!

So here's a quick look at the guides we have produced:

PolitiFact's Greatest Hits -- The 26 most significant fact-checks in the presidential race.

Has President Obama kept his campaign promises? -- A summary of ratings from our Obameter, which tracks Barack Obama's 2008 campaign promises.

Medicare 'cuts' and the talking point that won't die -- We trace the talking point about paying for Obamacare with "cuts" to Medicare (with a fun video!).

Scariest lines of 2012 campaign -- The scare tactics of the campaign. Don't be afraid! They're not true!

Twisting the truth on China -- Both parties have used China as a villain, often stretching the truth about their opponents.

Fact-checking foreign policy -- A guide to our fact-checks on international affairs.

Medicare attack lines -- Our guide to the Medicare scare tactics from both sides.

A scorecard on the economy under Obama -- The ups and downs for everything from the poverty rate to the price of ground chuck.

Fact-checking immigration -- Our fact-checks on the border fence, the DREAM Act and more.

Fact-checking taxes -- An overview of our fact-checks on the candidates' claims about taxes.

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PolitiFact's voter guide to our voter guides