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Hillary Clinton press availability in Ashland, Ore.

20160731 Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine at Press Avail in Ashland, OH

QUESTION: Senator, what are you ordering?

TIM KAINE: I'm getting a peppermint-mocha shake, and I'm getting a chocolate shake for the bus driver. I said, "What do you want," and she goes, "It's got to be a shake so I can do it while I'm driving." So we're getting that for her.

QUESTION: And what about you?

TIM KAINE: I mean look how healthy my wife is. She comes to an ice cream —

QUESTION: I think those cameras over there might want to take a photo of that. Senator, if you just want to turn around.

QUESTION: [Inaudible]

TIM KAINE: I got a peppermint-mocha shake, and a chocolate shake for the bus driver. She said, [inaudible].

QUESTION: You're enjoying this too much.

TIM KAINE: I know.

QUESTION: You're having too much.

TIM KAINE: Well I told her, I said, "It's great to just join for the last [inaudible.]" It's a 19-monther for other guys, but we're just hopping in right now.

QUESTION: Hi Secretary.

HILLARY CLINTON: How you doing?

QUESTION: Good. How are you?

QUESTION: What are you ordering?

HILLARY CLINTON: We are ordering some milkshakes, yes. Nice to meet you. You want to get a picture. Got it? All right. Thank you. Good to see you.

QUESTION: So what do you think? Was Donald Trump's statement of the Kahn family. Was that racist?

HILLARY CLINTON: Well let's focus on what the Kahns themselves said and the example they said of families of children who have served their country. They're a gold-star family, and I respect and honor the service of Captain Kahn and the extraordinary dignity and bravery of his parents.

I will let others draw their own conclusions about the language used and the approach taken by Donald Trump.

QUESTION: Do you think that the [inaudible].

HILLARY CLINTON: He has throughout the course of his campaign consistently insulted and demeaned individuals, groups of Americas, people around the world. And one doesn't know where the bottom is. It's hard to imagine anyone who has ever run to be President of the United States saying any of what he said. And the accumulation of it all is just beyond my comprehension.

QUESTION: What do you think it says about his character?

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I'm going to let others comment on his character and his motivation and his behavior. But I've said this for months now, he's already demonstrated, and, does so every day, that he is temperamentally unfit and unqualified to be president of the United States and to be commander-in-chief. And the latest attacks on the Kahn family, on General Allen, just reinforces the doubts that any American should have about his campaign and the potential candidacy that he's offering to the American people.

QUESTION: [Inaudible] do you believe in the election, once we look back on it – do you think what happened with Mr. Kahn is potentially a turning point?

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, he called Mexicans rapists and criminals. He said a federal judge was unqualified because he had Mexican heritage – someone born in the neighboring state of Indiana. He's called women pigs. He's mocked a reporter with a disability –

QUESTION: Ridiculed a POW, John McCain.

HILLARY CLINTON: That's right. And I mean, any one of those things, is so offensive. And then to launch an attack as he did on Captain Kahn's mother – a Gold Star mother – who stood there on that stage with her husband honoring the sacrifice of their son and who has in the days since spoken out about the overwhelming emotion of that any mother would feel as her son was being honored. And then to have Trump do as he did – I don't know where the bottoms are. I don't know where the bottom is.

QUESTION: Secretary, will you commit right now to doing three debates?

HILLARY CLINTON: We have reached out and I spoke about Captain Khan many months ago, so I was aware of their sacrifice, and I did it at the time because of Trump's continuing, offensive remarks about American Muslims, about Muslims around the world, which I thought were so inappropriate. And then to have someone like Captain Khan, a brave American Muslim serving our country, being in effect, looped in to all of Trump's vitriol, but I have, there's no way I could match the eloquence and the courage of his parents.


QUESTION: Right now to three debates?

QUESTION: Folks, [inaudible] why do you think Republicans are continuing to stand by him given, I mean hear, what he said about John McCain, what he said about the Khans and so forth, are they picking party over – ?

HILLARY CLINTON: Well I want Tim to respond too, but I think this is a time to pick country over party. And a number of Republicans have said that. We, as you know, had Republicans at our convention. We've had endorsements from Republicans who have analyzed his behavior and his rhetoric in this campaign and have made it very clear where they stood.

TIM KAINE: The popular Republican governor of Ohio has made very plain that this comment is just completely unacceptable, he didn't beat around the bush about it, he didn't qualify, he just called it straight up. I mean if you cannot show empathy for a Gold Star mom and dad, there's something fundamentally missing in your personality.


QUESTION: Will you commit to the debates? Secretary Clinton, debates?

QUESTION: Do you worry that Americans are becoming desensitized to this kind of rhetoric?

HILLARY CLINTON: I think the uproar from Americans across our country in response to a number of the comments that Trump has made, but in particular to his derogatory comments about the Khans shows to the contrary, that the vast majority of Americans are people who are decent and caring and looking for ways that we can come together, not to be divided by fear and hatred.

QUESTION: Can you comment on the debates, will you do all three debates?


HILLARY CLINTON: Let me just, let me just say this because this came up for the first time I saw it today, there's a nonpartisan independent commission that sets up the debates, right? And I was told they set up a schedule last fall. And neither campaign, because who knew, we didn't know who the nominees were going to be, were involved. I'm going to be there. That's all I have to say.


QUESTION: I made this for you.

HILLARY CLINTON: That is really neat. Can you give me your name and address so I can thank you? Write you a letter and thank you?

QUESTION: You're welcome. I forget my address, but my name is Ryan and I live on [inaudible] Drive [inaudible], like in Cleveland?

HILLARY CLINTON: Yeah, do you live in Cleveland?

QUESTION: Not like, in Cleveland.


QUESTION: I live in Woodgate Farms.

PARTICIPANT: Woodgate Farms?

QUESTION: Yeah, on [inaudible] Drive.

PARTICIPANT: Okay, okay, alright. Well I'll write all that down and we'll make sure we get in touch with you.

HILLARY CLINTON: We'll see if you can find you, but if we can't find you –

QUESTION: My name is Ryan [inaudible].

HILLARY CLINTON: I want to thank you Ryan, how old are you?


HILLARY CLINTON: I really want to thank you and I want to wish you the very best, okay. It means a lot that you gave me this.