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Become the exclusive PolitiFact partner in your state

PolitiFact is the largest political fact-checking organization in the United States. More than a dozen newspapers, radio stations, television stations and university journalism programs partner with PolitiFact to provide explanations for voters that both engage audiences and hold politicians and pundits accountable. As one of our exclusive state partners, you will learn PolitiFact’s Pulitzer Prize-winning method of independent reporting and analysis and be able to use the nationally recognized Truth-O-Meter.

The Benefits of a PolitiFact Partnership

  • You will be PolitiFact’s affiliate in your state, fact-checking claims made by all levels of government. You decide what to check and we highlight your work as part of our expanding network.

  • Cobrand with PolitiFact and use the Truth-O-Meter. You will receive a co-branded logo to visually align your organization with the national reputation and reach of PolitiFact’s trademark reporting.

  • Access all PolitiFact content, including fact-checks created by other state partners and PunditFact with no limits on re-publishing/airing.

  • Feature fact-checks on both your website and your own PolitiFact state website. You have the freedom to publish on the platform that makes the most sense for your goals and audience.

  • Engage your audience with high-conversion content. State partners report that PolitiFact fact-checks regularly perform better than other types of reporting, driving more traffic, increasing time spent on pages and encouraging higher rates of recirculation.

  • Grow your audience through social media. Consult with our PolitiFact audience engagement specialist about best practices and benefit from the national reach of PolitiFact’s social media channels and newsletters.

  • Generate new revenue opportunities. As the official PolitiFact state partner in your state, you are welcome to explore local partnerships, fundraise around PolitiFact as a product or host events.

  • Launch and execute a membership program. PolitiFact’s membership program is called the Truth Squad. Collaborate with PolitiFact to grow members and raise money locally to support your work.

PolitiFact’s State Partners

New York
Florida North Carolina Pennsylvania
Illinois Texas Virginia

West Virginia Vermont

Get started today

Misinformation is everywhere, at all times — whether it’s skewed statements by politicians, conspiracy theories endorsed by pundits on talk radio or sinister campaigns that influence local elections.

PolitiFact is constantly expanding and innovating to rise to this challenge. Will you join us?

To enroll your newsroom as the PolitiFact partner in your state, contact Aaron Sharockman at [email protected] or call (727) 553-4534.