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Promises about Criminal Justice on Bob-O-Meter

Increase penalty for sexual battery of children

McDonnell will elevate sexual battery, when the crime is committed by force or where the offender is an adult and the victim is three years younger, to a Class 6 felony.

Expand monitoring of sexual predators

Will require intensive lifetime monitoring of violent sexual predators not eligible for civil commitment.

Seek tougher sentences for drug dealers

McDonnell will propose tougher mandatory minimum sentences for repeat drug dealers who deal controlled substances...Second-time offenders would face a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison. Third-time offenders will face a more significant mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison.

Seek increase in crime conviction fees

Governor McDonnell will propose an increase to the mandatory statutory fee for conviction of crimes. The fee for a misdemeanor will increase from $5 to $15, and the fee for a felony will increase from $15 to $40.

Seek adult trials for violent youths

McDonnell will propose expanding the juvenile transfer statute to require juveniles charged with repeat violent felonies to be tried as adults in circuit court.

Seek tougher penalties for crimes against elderly

McDonnell will propose legislation to create a greater deterrent for, and to punish more harshly, those crimes where the victims are ruthlessly selected due to their age and perceived vulnerability.

Seek tougher identity theft laws

McDonnell will propose legislation to toughen Virginia’s identity theft laws. Individuals who obtain identities with the intent to sell or distribute them will be subject to a Class 4 felony. Further, in addition to any other offenses (grand larceny, for example), thieves who use stolen identities to buy merchandise, to impersonate a law enforcement officer, or to impede a criminal investigation, will be subject to a Class 5 felony.

Consolidate asset forfeiture laws

Will propose amendments to asset forfeiture laws in 2011 General Assembly session.

Seek law establishing "gang-free zones"

Bob McDonnell will propose the expansion of “gang-free school zones,” into “gang-free zones,” similar to the “drug-free zones,” currently in our state laws.

Seek tougher penalties for gang recruitment

To adequately punish those engaged in recruiting members into gangs, McDonnell will propose that this offense be increased to a Class 6 felony. Additionally, while the current holds that an adult who solicits, invites, recruits or encourages a juvenile to actively participate or become a member of a gang is guilty of a Class 6 felony, McDonnell will propose that the General Assembly elevate this offense to a Class 5 felony.