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George W. Bush was arrested for DUI in 1976 in Maine. George W. Bush was arrested for DUI in 1976 in Maine.

George W. Bush was arrested for DUI in 1976 in Maine.

Jon Greenberg
By Jon Greenberg January 29, 2014

In the world of cable television news, most people generally agree that Fox News caters to a more conservative audience and MSNBC a more liberal one.

But conservative pundit Ann Coulter cautioned against seeing the news each network produces the same way.

In a recent interview with Piers Morgan on CNN, Coulter used the coverage of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and an old story about President George W. Bush to draw a distinction between the two cable networks.

"I don't have a job so all I do is watch TV," Coulter said. "If you watch no station but MSNBC, you have no idea what they're talking about on Fox. On Fox, I promise you, they're reporting the Chris Christie scandal -- maybe not 24 hours a day like the 9/11 attack."

Coulter then pivoted to talking about the run-up to the 2000 presidential election and how reporters found out that Bush had a drunk driving arrest on his record.

"That story hurt George Bush in the 2000 presidential election," Coulter said. "Who broke it? Fox News."

Is Coulter rewriting history or does she have her facts right? We thought we’d check.

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Revisiting George W. Bush's DUI arrest