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Texas Democrats shut out of statewide office longer than Democrats in other states

Harry Cabluck of The Associated Press took this photo of Bob Bullock and his wife, Jan, as the Democratic lieutenant governor approached re-election in November 1994. Texas Democrats haven't won a statewide race since. Harry Cabluck of The Associated Press took this photo of Bob Bullock and his wife, Jan, as the Democratic lieutenant governor approached re-election in November 1994. Texas Democrats haven't won a statewide race since.

Harry Cabluck of The Associated Press took this photo of Bob Bullock and his wife, Jan, as the Democratic lieutenant governor approached re-election in November 1994. Texas Democrats haven't won a statewide race since.

By W. Gardner Selby September 26, 2012

During a panel discussion at the Texas Tribune Festival, state Rep. Joaquin Castro said: "We are the state that has now gone the longest without electing a Democrat statewide. It has been since 1994 that a Democrat has been elected in Texas."

The claim by Castro, a San Antonio Democrat nominated this year for a U.S. House seat, was noted for us by University of Texas journalism student Joshua Fechter.

It’s well known that Texas Democrats last won statewide races in 1994.

We wondered if Texas Democrats also have experienced the nation’s longest stretch since such a win.

Our review -- which tallies up results in races around the country extending from governor to superintendent of public instruction -- indicates it’s so. Discuss, if you like, on our Facebook page.

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Texas Democrats shut out of statewide office longer than Democrats in other states