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Would repealing Obamacare be easier than repealing Prohibition?

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, sent this tweet. But how accurate is the claim? The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, sent this tweet. But how accurate is the claim?

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, sent this tweet. But how accurate is the claim?

Lilly Maier
By Lilly Maier December 10, 2013

The Heritage Foundation opposes the Affordable Care Act, so it created a tweet that featuring a black-and-white photograph of people celebrating the 21st Amendment, which made it legal to buy, sell, transport and drink alcohol. The caption was: "FACT: Repealing Obamacare would be easier than repealing Prohibition."

The tweet seems logical at first glance — after all, Prohibition was a constitutional amendment, while Obama’s health care law is "only" a law. But would it really be easier? Experts say the issue is actually more complicated than it looks. We rated their claim Half True. Read our report for full details.

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Would repealing Obamacare be easier than repealing Prohibition?