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Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., leaves a briefing at the Capitol in Washington, Feb. 14, 2023. Despite claims, he has not made any resignation announcement. (AP) Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., leaves a briefing at the Capitol in Washington, Feb. 14, 2023. Despite claims, he has not made any resignation announcement. (AP)

Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., leaves a briefing at the Capitol in Washington, Feb. 14, 2023. Despite claims, he has not made any resignation announcement. (AP)

Gabrielle Settles
By Gabrielle Settles March 6, 2023

A social post says Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman resigned. He didn’t.

If Your Time is short

  • Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., has not announced that he is resigning, and neither has his office. 

  • The former Pennsylvania lieutenant governor on Feb. 15 checked himself into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for treatment of clinical depression.

  • A Fetterman aide on March 6 tweeted that Fetterman "will be back soon."  

A March 3 Instagram post caught attention for spreading the claim that U.S. Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., is resigning. 

The post showed a screenshot of a headline above a photo of Fetterman: "Breaking: John Fetterman RESIGNATION Announcement."

We have some breaking news of our own: Fetterman’s made no such announcement.

This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.) 

The post referred readers to an India-based Instagram account called Conservative Forever that linked to a blog post from The Times of America with the original headline promising Fetterman’s resignation announcement. But the story contains no such announcement. Rather, it’s a first-person critique of Fetterman that called on him to resign.

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Although some critics have suggested Fetterman, Pennsylvania’s former lieutenant governor, should cede his seat, there’s so far no evidence that he plans to.

On March 3, Fetterman’s chief of staff, Adam Jentleson, tweeted pictures of himself meeting in the hospital with Fetterman. "Productive morning with Senator Fetterman at Walter Reed discussing the rail safety legislation, Farm Bill and other Senate business," Jentleson wrote. "John is well on his way to recovery and wanted me to say how grateful he is for all the well wishes. He’s laser focused on PA & will be back soon."

Fetterman, who was elected to the Senate in November, suffered a stroke in May, days before he won his state’s Democratic primary race. In an Oct. 11 NBC interview during his Senate campaign, Fetterman addressed questions and criticisms about his ability to serve in public office.  

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, told The Philadelphia Inquirer he would dismiss any calls to ask Fetterman to step down.

Fetterman’s not the first American politician to deal with a significant health issue while running for or holding office; other senators have taken time away while recovering from strokes or other ailments. 

A spokesperson for Fetterman’s office declined to comment specifically on this claim. However, there is no evidence that Fetterman has announced he is stepping down. This claim is False.

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A social post says Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman resigned. He didn’t.

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