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Promises about Economy on Walk-O-Meter

Create 250,000 new jobs

Will "get government out of the way of employers ... who will then help Wisconsin create 250,000 jobs by 2015, and as we create those new jobs, we will be able to add 10,000 new businesses.”

Create 10,000 new businesses

Will "get government out of the way of employers ... who will then help Wisconsin create 250,000 jobs by 2015, and as we create those new jobs, we will be able to add 10,000 new businesses.”

Reform and speed up permitting process for businesses

Will "reform the permitting process to require state agencies to review permit applications within 60 days of receipt. If the application is not approved or denied by the agency within 180 days of receipt, the application will be presumed approved."

Have lieutenant governor lead statewide "small business roundtables"

"To ensure that the state and Wisconsin businesses have an open and ongoing dialog on the state of the economy, I will empower my Lieutenant Governor to head regular small business roundtables in all corners of the state."

Call special legislative session on jobs

Will, with first official act as governor, minutes after taking the oath of office, "declare an economic emergency and call a special session of the legislature on cutting taxes for small businesses, curbing frivolous lawsuits, eliminating state tax on Health Savings Accounts and reorganizing the Department of Commerce."

Create and convene "Waste, Fraud and Abuse" Commission

"As part of my Emergency Jobs Plan, I will issue an executive order on my first day in office, creating this commission, directing it to meet within one week, and giving it the authority to access the books of all state agencies and go through them line-by-line. I will appoint a tough, private-sector chairman who will bring common sense to government spending and ensure that taxpayer money is being spent efficiently and effectively."

Replace Department of Commerce with development-focused agency

"Working with the legislature and through executive order, I will replace ( Department of Commerce) with a true economic development agency. I will hire an experienced economic development professional as Executive Director. All regulatory functions will be transferred to other agencies. Existing economic development functions of state agencies, like the Department of Workforce Development, and state affiliated entities, like the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, will be consolidated within the new agency."

Lower taxes on business investment capital for new firms and expansions

Will lower taxes on business investment capital for new firms and expansions. "We must lower the tax burden for all individuals and job creators. Specifically, we can lower the tax on early stage and investment capital to make it more accessible to Wisconsin employers that want to stay in Wisconsin and expand while also luring start-ups to our state."

Begin to phase out state tax on retirement income

Will "work to begin phasing out the state tax on retirement income to help keep investment capital in Wisconsin instead of watching it go to states like Florida and Arizona."