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Truth-O-Meter tackles Democrats' claims on illegal immigration, Jersey tax cuts

By Caryn Shinske September 25, 2012

Democrats didn’t do too well this weekend on the Truth-O-Meter, which found accuracy issues with claims about illegal immigration and tax cuts.

In case you missed it, the Truth-O-Meter rated False an immigration claim by U.S. Rep. Rob Andrews on Sunday, and handed down another False on Monday for state Assemblyman John Burzichelli’s claim about tax cuts in New Jersey.

Andrews claim

Andrews said during an interview posted online on Sept. 12 with Townsquare Media New Jersey that the number one source of illegal immigration in the United States is people who come to the country legally but then overstay their visas. Although it’s very difficult to determine exact numbers of illegal immigrants, most available estimates suggest Andrews overstated how many illegal immigrants first arrived legally and stayed past the expiration of their visas.

Andrews, who represents parts of southern New Jersey, is seeking re-election Nov. 6 against Republican challenger Gregory Horton.

Burzichelli claim

The assemblyman, a member of the state Budget Committee, said during a Sept. 19 interview on NJToday that Gov. Chris Christie is touring the state to promote a tax cut that would only benefit the wealthy. Christie is making stops around the state to talk up a tax cut, but Burzichelli’s characterization is unfair.

Christie’s original tax cut proposal would have largely benefited the wealthy, but that plan has been off the table for months. Christie this summer endorsed a plan, based off a Senate Democrats’ proposal, to give homeowners an income tax credit based on the first $10,000 of their property tax bill. That plan actually excludes New Jerseyans with incomes above $400,000.

Burzichelli (D-Gloucester) acknowledged that the governor backed off his original plan, which called for an across-the-board income tax cut of 10 percent over three years, but claimed that Christie has waffled on his decision. We found no evidence to support that claim, either.

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Our Sources

PolitiFact New Jersey, Rep. Rob Andrews claims most illegal immigrants first arrived legally with visas and then stayed past the expiration dates, Sept. 23, 2012

PolitiFact New Jersey, John Burzichelli says Chris Christie is promoting a tax cut plan that only benefits the wealthy, Sept. 24, 2012

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Truth-O-Meter tackles Democrats' claims on illegal immigration, Jersey tax cuts