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We sample the tweets and find some fans and some critics. We sample the tweets and find some fans and some critics.

We sample the tweets and find some fans and some critics.

Angie Drobnic Holan
By Angie Drobnic Holan August 17, 2009

We may not have as many Twitter followers as Meghan McCain, a.k.a. @McCainBloggette , and yes, we're jealous of her 50,000-plus followers. But we're not doing that bad either! And we love reading the Twitterverse's thoughts on PolitiFact.

In lieu of our usual mailbag of reader e-mails, here are unedited reader tweets from recent days. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, @politifact of course!

TRHSC @politifact Thanks for all you do, but its funny that even when it's put simply some people still don't want to believe the truth. So sad :(

srubenfeld Why can't more news organizations do something like this? RT @Politifact : Health care reform: A simple Explanation

faren800 Req'rd read 4 all citizens thinking of making a sign & yelling @ people: RT @politifact : Health care reform: made simple

Derek_Tusa RT @politifact : Barack Obama: AARP is "endorsing" the health care reform bill. . Um, actually they aren't Mr. President.

LessThanItTakes RT @politifact Just published new items on Barack Obama and Michele Bachmann. | Love me some facts. Most of the time.

thebohemiangirl @politifact If govt offers plan, it won't be much different than medicaid/medicare. I'll be dropping my private insurer fer sure.

dubbadubb @politifact a company will drop it's ins and pay a fine if it's cheaper than insuring employees.more people inturn go to gov run ins.

dubbadubb @politifact gov. will then take over the health care system.just like obama said "it wont happen all at once,it will take time." wake up!

angieburton I specifically love the Truth-o-meter and that everyone is fair game. you can also follow them on Twitter @politifact

jtotheco Can we finally agree that the Twilight Zone hasn't come true yet with the death panels? ( @politifact )

wikipublius @politifact President just said 46 M "fellow citizens" are without coverage. Isn't a percentage of that 46M illegal immigrants? #healthcare

politifact Obama's town hall full of applause so far, no boos or protesters, much like his previous town halls. #healthcare

paulvseale @politifact think maybe they preselected the audience. Nah. No politician would ever do that.

matttbastard What's worse: That @politifact had to fact check "death panels" or that the effort is fruitless?

sugasuga Sarah Palin is giving Sarahs a bad name! If only she'd like read or something. (via @politifact )

AFPMissouri So BHO cn exaggerate but not Palin? RT @tonymess : RT @politifact : Sarah Palin on health care reform & Obama's "death panel": Pants on Fi ...

tonymess @AFPMissouri Actually, if you follow @politifact , they've questioned Obama claims also. Very fair, fact-checking site, in my opinion.

punkmonkey8 @politifact love love LOVE politifact!!!!

AnnaTarkov If you're into politics and policy, you should be following @politifact . Didn't realize they were on Twitter, thanks @brianboyer .

eyeseast Starting to think this page from @politifact pretty much sums where we are in the health reform debate now. Sheesh. ( Editor's note: The Truth-O-Meter page was mostly red at the time of this posting.)

brianmclean Outstanding work by @politifact on nonsense surrounding the health care bill: (This should be mandatory reading.)

Walldo We were introduced to @politifact on day 1 of Newswriting and Reporting. "You don't want to end up on the wrong side of their website."

rwagner78 Question, if you co-author a book, put your name on the book, do you subscribe to the ideas in the book by default? @politifact says Nope. ( Editor's note: This was in response to our post about Glenn Beck and John Holdren

wilsondkw : Encourage folks to check & when upon hearin somethn inflammatory. Know of other non-partisan fact check sites?

moorman20 : @cspanwj PolitiFact should be the most visited website on the internet.

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Mailbag: The Twitter edition