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Julián Castro and Mitt Romney's advice to borrow from your parents

By W. Gardner Selby September 6, 2012

Julián Castro this week portrayed the Republican presidential nominee as out of touch a tad.

"Mitt Romney, quite simply, doesn’t get it," the San Antonio mayor said in his Sept. 4, 2012, keynote at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. "A  few months ago, he visited a university in Ohio and gave the students there a little entrepreneurial advice. ‘Start a business,’ he said. "But how? ‘Borrow money if you have to from your parents.’

"Gee, why didn't I think of that?" Castro said to delegates’ laughter.

We thought to check Castro's recap. It holds up (see our full review to the right).

On another Texan-ish front, Cecile Richards, who heads the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, reminded delegates during her Sept. 5, 2012, speech that her late mother, Ann Richards, gave the party's convention keynote in 1988. The daughter's reminder touched off a roaring ovation; her eyes welled.

A moment later on PBS, Castro agreed with syndicated columnist Mark Shields' remark that Richards, elected governor of Texas in 1990, was the last Democrat elected statewide in Texas. That's not so; the last Democrats elected statewide won in 1994, the year Richards lost to George W. Bush. Castro shortly, accurately referred to Ann Richards as the latest Democrat elected governor of Texas.

Toward the night's end, Castro was seated next to Michelle Obama for Bill Clinton's speech nominating Barack Obama for a second term. See PolitiFact's rundown of Clinton's claims here.

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Julián Castro and Mitt Romney's advice to borrow from your parents