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A Trump False: Ted Cruz has had a 'double passport'

Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz (left) and Donald Trump greet each other on stage during a rally to oppose the Iran nuclear agreement on Capitol Hill on Sept. 9, 2015. (AP/Carolyn Kaster) Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz (left) and Donald Trump greet each other on stage during a rally to oppose the Iran nuclear agreement on Capitol Hill on Sept. 9, 2015. (AP/Carolyn Kaster)

Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz (left) and Donald Trump greet each other on stage during a rally to oppose the Iran nuclear agreement on Capitol Hill on Sept. 9, 2015. (AP/Carolyn Kaster)

By W. Gardner Selby January 11, 2016

Ted Cruz, the Texas senator running for president, was born in Canada and got his U.S. citizenship through his Delaware-born mother.

Still, fellow Republican candidate Donald Trump asserted to a newspaper last week, Cruz has had a "double passport," which we took to suggest Cruz had at some time attempted to represent himself both as an American and Canadian citizen.

Trump spokespeople didn't respond to our requests for factual backup.

It took a jot for Cruz campaign spokesman Rick Tyler to email back that Cruz has neither held a Canadian passport nor applied for one.

Legal scholars concur that Cruz, who mostly grew up in Houston, likely fulfills the constitutional imperative that the president be a "natural-born citizen." But for some there’s a note of uncertainty because the Supreme Court has never directly ruled on the citizenship provision for presidential office holders.

We ultimately rated Trump's statement False.

Read the fact check here.

MOSTLY TRUE: Ted Cruz says it's always been that babies born to U.S. citizens abroad are citizens from birth.

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A Trump False: Ted Cruz has had a 'double passport'